El asesinato del comandante de la Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán, general Qasem Soleimani y de varios lÃderes chiitas iraquÃes en el Aeropuerto de Bagdad, mediante misiles disparados desde drones, que…
Tag: Trump
Trump’s Military Fake in Iran
By Simon Rodriguez* Surrounded by the failures in domestic politics and the internal crises of his government, reflected in a very high rotation of high officials, with constant public contradictions…
El amague militar de Trump en Irán
Por Simón RodrÃguez* Cercado por los fracasos en la polÃtica doméstica y las crisis internas de su gobierno, reflejadas en una altÃsima rotación de los altos funcionarios, con constantes contradicciones…
No to Trump, Macri and Bolsonaro’s interventionism.We do not recognize Guadio’s pro-US self-proclaimed presidency. Nor do we support the civic-military Maduro’s government
We publish here a statement by the International Workers’ Union-Fourth International on the crisis in Venezuela We do not support Trump, Macri and Bolsonaro’s interventionism.We do not recognize Guaidó’s self-proclaimed…
No avalamos el intervencionismo de Trump, Macri y Bolsonaro. Ni reconocemos el autogobierno proyanky de Guaidó. Pero no le damos ningún apoyo polÃtico al hambreador gobierno cÃvico-militar de Maduro
Como socialistas internacionalistas somos categóricos en rechazar el intervencionismo polÃtico del imperialismo en Venezuela, por via del ultra reaccionario de Trump, reconociendo al autodeclarado presidente de Juan Guaidó. Como asà también rechazamos el…
Elecciones en EEUU: un golpe polÃtico al gobierno de Trump
Por Mercedes Beauvoir (de Izquierda Socialista/UIT-CI) Las elecciones de medio término en los Estados Unidos marcaron un golpe polÃtico al gobierno reaccionario de Trump. Los republicanos perdieron la mayorÃa en la cámara de representantes, dónde los…
We repudiate Trump’s decision on Jerusalem Solidarity with the Palestinian people!
Español The decision of right-wing and reactionary Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the racist state of Israel is a new support of the United States for…
The causes of the long conflict between North Korea and the United States
Tension has continued to grow in Eastern Asia. The North Korean government would have detonated an alleged nuclear bomb underground (3 September 2017), Trump’s response was not long in coming.…
Labor unions must mobilize to fight the far right
By Oakland Socialist Even in their weakened situation, the unions have the power to stop the white supremacists in their tracks. Instead of putting out an occasional statement and occasionally…
Unite the Struggles to Defeat the Offensive Against the Workers and the Peoples of the World Led by Donald Trump and Imperialism
Español Here we are publishing an international appeal by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (UWI-FI) calling on all revolutionaries to unite and fight against the new capitalist offensive and imperialism.-SC…