International Correspondence, August-November 2019 issue

The August-November 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. The latest issue looks at Trump’s trade war with China…

International Correspondence, March-June 2019 issue

The March-June 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. Featuring in-depth analysis on the crisis in Venezuela, this issue…

Debate in the Argentinian Left: Does repudiating Maduro favour imperialism?

In response to New MAS and LTS /PTS By Miguel Sorans, IS (Socialist Left) and IWU-FI leader. There are sectors of the left, including comrades who sympathise with Chavismo although…

INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE magazine·September 2018 issue

This is a special issue dedicated to the Fourth International. The magazine looks at the origins and trajectories of the international revolutionary organization founded by Leon Trotsky  and its meaning…

Why wasn’t there a new October revolution?

By Miguel Sorans* Español One hundred years have gone by and a similar victory has not been repeated. What is the cause? Is the struggle for workers and popular power…

Sixth Congress IWU–FI:Unity of Revolutionaries Advances

By Miguel Sorans, Leader of Izquierda Socialista  [Socialist Left] and the IWU-FI Between July 6 and 9, the Sixth Congress of the International Workers Unity – Fourth International was held…

Succesful unification congress of the International Workers Unity (Fourth International)

During the 31 July, 1, 2 and 3 August the Unification Congress of the IWU–FI (International Workers Unity – Fourth International) was held in Buenos Aires. After years of divisions…

Unification convention of the IWU–FI and ILC (IDP-LI)

The International Workers Unity – Fourth International (IWU–FI) and the International Liaison Committee (İşçi Demokrasisi Partisi, IDP and Lucha Internacionalista, LI) decided to unify. To do so, we convened a…

Statement of the establishment of the Coordinating Committee (UIT-CI/CEI)

Below we publish the statement on the establishment of the International committee between the International Workers’ Unity (UIT-CI), Workers Front (Turkey) and Liga Internacionalista (Spain).   It was announced jointly by…

Remembering Nahuel Moreno

By Mercedes Petit Editor’s note: We are publishing this article in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of Argentinian Trotskyist Nahuel Moreno. During the post-war years and after…