Cuba: Escalation of repression against digital media Picture: Julio Etchart 18 September 2024. Intellectuals and journalists warn about the unexpected summons of Cuban State Security agencies to the historian and journalist Alexander Hall Lujardo and the…

Why are the Cuban people protesting?

By Miguel Sorans 13 July 2021. Diaz Canel’s government and the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) say “the United States orchestrates and finances these protests”. It is a lie. Of…

Academic meeting on Leon Trotsky in Cuba

Report by a correspondent of International Correspondence, the magazine of the IWU-FI The first Leon Trotsky International Academic Event, sponsored by the Philosophy Institute and the Juan Marinello Cuban Institute…

Davant la mort de Fidel Castro

Esquerra Socialista de Argentina va emetre el següent comunicat sobre la mort de Fidel Castro signada pel seu dirigent i diputat nacional Joan Carles Giordano. Enllaç L’anunci de la mort…

Ante el restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre EE.UU y Cuba

Declaración de la UIT-CI El anuncio del restablecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas, realizado en forma conjunta por Barak Obama y Raúl Castro, luego de más de 50 años de ruptura…

Adjustment Cuban Style

Article by Mercedes Petit on Cuba originally published in Spanish in Correspondencia Internacional issue 29. The first part was published in January of this year on this web site. To…

Cuban CP bureaucracy consolidates itself as an agent of capitalist restoration

By Miguel Angel Hernandez * Cuba and the Sixth Congress of the PCC −The Cuban CP follows the footsteps of the Chinese bureaucracy The Sixth Congress of Cuban Communist Party…

Al estilo chino, la burocracia del PCC se consolida como agente restaurador del capitalismo

Por Miguel Angel Hernández* Cuba y el VI Congreso del PCC El VI Congreso del PCC cerró sus sesiones ratificando el ajuste capitalista y las medidas de mercado (despidos, más…

Ajuste a la cubana

Recomendamos este artículo sobre Cuba publicado el año pasado en Correspondencia Internacional nro. 29 y republicado en la página de internet —————————————————————————————- Por Mercedes Petit Repitiendo la liturgia habitual…

Fidel confesses he does not believe in socialism

By In a recent interview Fidel Castro said that “Cuba’s model no longer works even for us” As part of its reappearance in the public arena four  years after…