Let the capitalists pay for the coronavirus crisis, not the working class and the people!

IThe world is suffering a calamity. The coronavirus pandemic is spreading out of control. There are hundreds of thousands infected and thousands of dead. What is happening in the world…

No to Trump’s “Agreement of Century” against the palestinian people!

In a joint statement from Washington, the U.S. and Israeli heads of state, Trump and Netanyahu, presented a “peace” proposal called the “Century Agreement”. Netanyahu has announced that he will…

No to Trump, Macri and Bolsonaro’s interventionism.We do not recognize Guadio’s pro-US self-proclaimed presidency. Nor do we support the civic-military Maduro’s government

We publish here a statement by the International Workers’ Union-Fourth International on the crisis in Venezuela We do not support Trump, Macri and Bolsonaro’s interventionism.We do not recognize Guaidó’s self-proclaimed…

Tsipras’s resignation is a manoeuvre to strengthen the pact with the Troika

Statement by the IWU-FI For a unitary block of the left and the workers to defeat the new memorandum On August 20 Alexis Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister of Greece,…

Free Lynne Stewart now!

Lynne Stewart has devoted her life to the oppressed – a constant advocate for the countless many deprived in the United States of their freedom and their rights. Unjustly charged…

Our position on the present political uncertainty facing Venezuela

Statement by the Socialism and Freedom Party from Venezuela [Partido Socialismo y Libertad-PSL] The Venezuelan people has noticed how the absence of President Chavez from the national political scene last…

Money for the poor, not for Wall Street and the war!

Below a flyer we have been passing out in New York: President Barack Obama took office promising change but in reality, his government has proven to represent the continuity of…

Adjustment Cuban Style

Article by Mercedes Petit on Cuba originally published in Spanish in Correspondencia Internacional issue 29. The first part was published in January of this year on this web site. To…

Greece gets a lifejacket made of lead

By Miguel Lamas (Izquierda Socialista-Argentina) A lifejacket made of lead for Greece The European Union, the IMF and the German and French bankers agreed to another “rescue” so that Greece…

Cuban CP bureaucracy consolidates itself as an agent of capitalist restoration

By Miguel Angel Hernandez * Cuba and the Sixth Congress of the PCC −The Cuban CP follows the footsteps of the Chinese bureaucracy The Sixth Congress of Cuban Communist Party…