Nicaragua Free all political prisoners now!

Nicaragua is facing an overwhelming social and economic crisis, in which the struggle for the liberation of political prisoners and the denunciation of the continued harassment of activists and their…

Black Lives Matter: Justice for George Floyd!

Statement on the killing of George Floyd by a racist cop Black people in the United States suffer racist violence at an alarming rate at the hands of the police.…

Anti-racist uprising in America! Justice for George Floyd!

Statement by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International On a racist police officer smothered 25 May, George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American worker, on a public street in Minneapolis, while other officers…

¡Levantamiento antirracista en EEUU! ¡Justicia para George Floyd!

Unidad Internacional de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores-Cuarta Internacional El 25 de mayo, George Floyd, un trabajador afroestadounidense de 46 años, fue asfixiado por un policía racista en la vía pública de…

The Progressive International is founded. A New Workers’ Internationalism?

by Miguel Lamas On Monday 11 May, the official launch of the Progressive International (PI) took place, a worldwide political movement that claims to fight “for democracy and equality” and…

International appeal: Let’s fight for a global workers’ and peoples’ emergency plan

Let the capitalists pay for the coronavirus crisis! The Covid pandemic19 is being used by imperialism, capitalist governments and big business to unload the crisis on the working class and…

Llamamiento: Luchemos por un plan global de emergencia obrero y popular

¡Que la crisis del coronavirus la paguen los capitalistas! La pandemia del Covid19 está siendo utilizada por el imperialismo, los gobiernos capitalistas y los grandes empresarios para buscar descargar la…

What kind of world are we heading to after the Coronavirus?

The severity of the coronavirus crisis and its consequences has opened a debate about what the world will look like after the pandemic. Dozens of articles are being written. Some…

¿A qué mundo iríamos después del coronavirus?

La gravedad de la crisis del coronavirus y sus consecuencias ha abierto un debate sobre cómo será el mundo luego de la pandemia. Se escriben decenas de artículos. Algunos apuestan…

Let the capitalists pay for the coronavirus crisis, not the working class and the people!

IThe world is suffering a calamity. The coronavirus pandemic is spreading out of control. There are hundreds of thousands infected and thousands of dead. What is happening in the world…