Trump’s Military Fake in Iran

By Simon Rodriguez* Surrounded by the failures in domestic politics and the internal crises of his government, reflected in a very high rotation of high officials, with constant public contradictions…

Haití: ¡Fuera Jovenel Moïse y el parlamento corrupto! ¡No a la injerencia del Core Group!

La publicación del segundo informe de la Corte Superior de Cuentas sobre la corrupción en el manejo del fondo de Petrocaribe, que confirma la implicación del presidente Jovenel Moïse y…

Free Louisa Hanoune and all political prisoners in Algeria

The Algerian people are still mobilised to demand an end to the dictatorial regime of hunger and poverty and in defence of democratic freedoms, after having achieved the resignation of…

Libertad a Louisa Hanoune y todos los presos políticos en Argelia

El pueblo argelino sigue movilizado para exigir el fin del régimen dictatorial de hambre y miseria y en defensa de las libertades democráticas, luego de haber logrado la dimisión de…

Academic meeting on Leon Trotsky in Cuba

Report by a correspondent of International Correspondence, the magazine of the IWU-FI The first Leon Trotsky International Academic Event, sponsored by the Philosophy Institute and the Juan Marinello Cuban Institute…

Sudán: Repudio a la criminal represión en Sudán! Apoyo a la huelga general hasta la caída de la Junta Militar!

En Sudán se ha producido una brutal represión por parte de los militares gobernantes sobre un acampe popular que reclamaba el fin de la junta militar y elecciones libres. Las…

Joint RCIT and IWU-CI declaration: Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!!

Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!! Once again, the Israeli government has intensified its campaign of terror against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. In the past…

Venezuela: We repudiate the coup attempt!

A coup attempt is ongoing, summoned by Guaido, the National Assembly bosses’ parties and sponsored by Donald Trump and the United States. A military sector has released Leopoldo Lopez, who…

Nicaragua: We demand the immediate appearance and liberation of Yader Parajon!

On Tuesday 16 April 2019, the Nicaraguan police kidnapped young Yader Parajon from his home. Since then, we know nothing of his whereabouts. Yader is an important student activist against…

No to Assange’s extradition to the US! We repudiate Lenin Moreno, Trump’s lackey! 

The British police arrested Julian Assange on 11 April in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, as Lenin Moreno’s government had revoked the political asylum granted to him in 2012. They…