Barcelona: El pueblo catalán se levanta contra las sentencias a los presos politicos

Luego de 2 años encarcelados como consecuencia de la brutal ofensiva contra el independentismo catalán por parte del régimen español, el Tribunal Supremo condenó a doce dirigentes políticos y sociales…

Ecuador: Gran triunfo de la movilización popular

Cayó el decreto 883, dictado por el FMI Luego de once días de una masiva rebelión popular en Ecuador, el gobierno de Lenin Moreno tuvo que derogar el decreto 883…

International Correspondence, August-November 2019 issue

The August-November 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. The latest issue looks at Trump’s trade war with China…

What does Trump get out of his conflict with China?

The so-called “trade war” unleashed by Trump against China opens a whole series of questions and debates. What is the real magnitude of this conflict? Is it essentially a “war”…

International Correspondence, March-June 2019 issue

The March-June 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. Featuring in-depth analysis on the crisis in Venezuela, this issue…

Stop Xenophobic and Racist Lynchings in the Dominican Republic!

We publish here a statement by the Socialist Workers’ Movement (MST) from the Dominican Republic. The undersigned organizations and personalities are trying to shine a spotlight on the persistence of…

República Dominicana ¡Alto a los linchamientos xenófobos y racistas!

Las organizaciones y personalidades abajo firmantes alertamos acerca de la persistencia de los crímenes de odio racista en República Dominicana. Queremos expresar nuestra preocupación y rechazo a los discursos de…

Nicaragua: 40 years after Somoza’s fall, another dictatorship

By Miguel Sorans* The triumph of the revolution in 1979 was a great impact and generated great expectations. After 45 days of a general strike and the armed struggle of…

Puerto Rico: cae Rosselló y la crisis no se cierra

Por Martin Fú Las masivas y espontáneas protestas que comenzaron el pasado 13 de julio y movilizaron más de un millón de personas, terminaron tirando al gobernador Ricardo Roselló. Dimitió…

China/Hong Kong: Thousands on the streets for more freedoms

In recent weeks hundreds of thousands of young people mobilised in Hong Kong, initially against the extradition law promoted by the pro-Beijing government of Carrie Lam’s, and then to take…