Apathetic vote in U.S. general elections

The number of people who voted this year was lower than in prior elections. Read more here to find out how many people voted. The Democratic Party was defeated by the Republicans…

We support socialist candidates in New York

November 2 New York General Elections We received a letter from the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP). We endorse the FSP’s call to vote for genuine socialist candidates. Before joining Socialist…

Defend the Freedom of Women in the South Bronx and Everywhere

The following is a call for action and statement by New York Coalition for Abortion Clinic Defense. We in Socialist Core endorse it. Twice yearly, the anti-choice forces hold a “40 Days…

Workers and the poor paying for the crisis in New York

By Saul Rojas Caamaño In 2008 there was a 300,000 increase in the numbers of poor people in New York City, according to The New York Times. These days, few…