The European governments and the Syrian dictatorship of al-Assad are responsible for the deaths of thousands of refugees, like the child Aylan Kurdi

We publish here a statement on the European migrant crisis by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (IWU-FI)-SCThe whole world was shocked with a picture of a Syrian boy named Aylan…

Los gobiernos europeos y la dictadura siria de Al Assad, son responsables de las muertes de miles de refugiados, como el niño Aylan Kurdi

El mundo entero quedó consternado con la foto del niño sirio llamado Aylan Kurdi, de tan solo 3 años, el pequeño murió al lado de su hermano y de su…

Tsipras’s resignation is a manoeuvre to strengthen the pact with the Troika

Statement by the IWU-FI For a unitary block of the left and the workers to defeat the new memorandum On August 20 Alexis Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister of Greece,…

La renuncia de Tsipras es una maniobra para fortalecer el pacto con la Troika

Declaración de la UIT-CI Por un bloque unitario de la izquierda y los trabajadores  para derrotar al nuevo memorando   El 20 de agosto renunció Alexis Tsipras como primer ministro…

Istanbul Declaration: Break the siege on the Syrian revolution!

With the people of Syria: down with Bashar, Daesh and the imperialist interventions! Istanbul, 12th of July 2015 In March 2011, in the midst of the revolutionary wave unfolding in…

Declaración de Estambul: Rompamos el bloqueo a la Revolución Siria

Con el pueblo de Siria: abajo Bashar, ISIS y las intervenciones imperialistas Estambul, 12 de julio 2015 En marzo de 2011, en la ola revolucionaria desatada en la región, los…

The Greek people said NO to the Troika and the debt

By Miguel Sorans The triumph of the NO in the Greek referendum by nearly 62 percent to 38 percent of the YES, was overwhelming, a great victory for the Greek…

Greek Referendum: NO to imperialist blackmail, NO to the Troika and the EU, NO to the payment of the foreign debt

We publish here a statement by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (IWU-FI) in support of the NO vote in the upcoming referendum in Greece to reject austerity policies-SC The working…

Grecia-Referendo: NO al chantaje imperialista, NO a la Troika y a la UE NO al pago de la deuda externa

El pueblo trabajador y la juventud de Grecia está viviendo momentos claves en su lucha por salir del constante chantaje imperialista, del chantaje de la Troika (FMI, Unidad Europea-UE y…

We repudiate the death penalty to political leaders in Egypt! Down with the civilian-military dictatorship!

  We publish here a statement on Egypt by the International Workers Unity -Fourth International (IWU-FI)-SC Former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi was sentenced to death on a provisional basis on 16…