Between Havana and Buenos Aires: The reasons for Obama’s trip to Cuba

By Miguel Sorans Español  | Português Many wonder why Obama is traveling to Argentina on 24 March on the 40th anniversary of the genocidal coup backed by the US. Obama…

Five years of revolution in Syria

Statement by the International Workers Unity Español March 15 marks five years of the popular uprising against dictatorship of Al-Assad in Syria. Since then, not for a single day have…

France: Pour la défense des droits ouvriers et démocratiques

Since the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, France, the French government has enacted a number of repressive measures to destroy democratic gains and weaken the labor movement. We publish…

US Primaries: What is the Sanders phenomenon?

By Silvia Santos * Español |Português As in the rest of the world, new winds are blowing in the political arena of the United States. Faced with a social crisis that…

The Tragedy of 21st Century Refugees

By Mercedes Petit Español The terrible images of the refugees show that this is a humanitarian catastrophe that was covered up by capitalist governments. According to the United Nations High…

Strong defeat and punishment vote against Maduro’s government

We publish here a statement issued by the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSL-Venezuela). -SC Español On 6 December the government of Nicolas Maduro and the PSUV suffered a heavy political defeat…

We condemn the attack of ISIS in Tunisia! We reject the implementations of state of emergency!

We publish here a statement in solidarity with the people of Tunisia  by the International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International (IWU-FI) Español  |Français On November 24, ISIS attacked to the capital city of…

We repudiate the terrorist attacks of ISIS in Paris!

Statement by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International  Español | Français | Türkçe Statement by the Internationalist Socialist Group (GSI-France) On the night of 14 November there was a series of bombings in Paris, the capital…

Greece: Another Failure of Neo-Reformism

By Miguel Sorans Syriza is the expression of a new failure of the projects of the reformist left in the XXI century. Millions in Europe and Latin America break with…

Nuevos crímenes del sionismo: Solidaridad con el pueblo palestino!

A continuación publicamos una declaración de la Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadores-Cuarta Internacional (UIT- CI) en repudio a la violencia del régimen colonialista en Palestina y en solidaridad con el…