Fidel confesses he does not believe in socialism

In a recent interview Fidel Castro said that “Cuba’s model no longer works even for us”
As part of its reappearance in the public arena four  years after the health crisis that forced him to leave office,  former President of Cuba Fidel Castro said that the Cuban model “no longer works” for the island, according to an American journalist who visited him last week in Havana.

When the editor of The Atlantic magazine Jeffrey Goldberg  asked Castro if it was worth trying to export the Cuban economic system to other countries, the former president replied: “The Cuban model does not even work to us.”

What did Fidel Castro mean?

The Venezuelan and international Right have interpreted this statement as though Fidel Castro already recognized that the socialist model failed.

However, the Right is wrong. In fact, what lies behind this statement is another matter; a matter much more unfortunate for those of us who still believe that the only solution to capitalism is socialism.

First, what has never worked for the Cuban people has been the model of bureaucratic socialism of the Castro regime.
Second, with this statement Fidel Castro is justifying that for years in Cuba, against all belief; capitalism is being restored through the opening to foreign investment in tourism, industry, and all types of services while keeping Cuban workers earning miserable wages of 10 to $ 15 a month.

This statement by Fidel Castro demonstrates that he does not believe in socialism and that he switched to the camp of capitalist restoration as has also done the Chinese Communist Party leadership under the lie of implementing an alleged “modern” XXI century socialism. The same political scam [Hugo] Chavez is applying in Venezuela under the advice of the Castro brothers.

As evidence of what Fidel said, Editor Goldberg cited the American specialist in Cuban affairs, Julia Sweig, who accompanied him on his journey. According to the expert of the think tank Council on Foreign Relations the intention behind the words of Fidel would be to “create space” for his brother and current president, Raul Castro, so he can apply the “necessary reforms.”

The “necessary reforms” of which Julia Sweig is properly speaking, is a brutal adjustment in the Cuban economy that would lead to the dismissal of one million workers, according to Raul Castro, left over in the “payroll.” We’re talking about 20% of the Cuban labor force, which are not strictly “government employees” but workers of joint ventures with multinationals and European firms, Canadian and from other countries. In summary,  the Castros are preparing a capitalist readjustment of the Cuban economy. Castro’s statement is meant to justify such a readjustment.

This article was originally published in the Venezuelan web site This is a free translation from the original Spanish
